Workshop Program 3. 대한신경근골격초음파학회
2016년 10월 28일(금) 16:15-18:45 본관 Grand Ballroom C
Essentials of Ultrasonography Guided Intervention of the Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerve and Joints
1) Introduction : Ultrasonography Guided Intervention of the Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerve and Joint
2) Hands-On Workshop : 각 테이블별 실습
김돈규, 윤준식, 박기덕, 원선재, 이상철, 강석, 이용택

(각 조당 8명이며, 시간은 45분씩 각 2파트별 각 3조씩 순차적으로 진행함.)
a. Ultrasound Guided Intervention of Upper Extremity Joint (Shoulder (IA, Bursa, biceps tendon) and Elbow and Wrist Injection)
b. Ultrasound Guided Intervention of Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerve (Bracheal Plexus, Musculocutaneous Nerve, Suprascapular Nerve, Ulnar, Median Nerve)