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발표연제 검색

연제번호 : 40 북마크
제목 Altered structural connectivity associated with motor improvement in chronic supratentorial stroke
소속 Veterans Health Service Medical Center, Seoul, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation1
저자 Jang Ho Lee1*, Dae Hyun Kim1†
Objective: To identify brain structural changes associated with motor recovery, after neurorehabilitation, in patients with chronic supratentorial ischemic stroke.
Methods: Twenty-one chronic stroke patients with an improved Fugl-Meyer motor assessment score, were retrospectively included in the study. All participants underwent diffusion tensor imaging twice, before and after the outpatient neurorehabilitation program. A fractional anisotropy (FA) map, derived from diffusion tensor imaging, was used to identify changes in brain structural connectivity. A paired t-test of the FA maps was performed to calculate statistical significance.
Results: Structural connectivity was significantly increased along the corticospinal tract pathway, in the ipsilesional hemisphere (uncorrected p < 0.005 with cluster size > 10 voxels). The posterior corpus callosum, which connects the bilateral hemispheres, and the bilateral middle cerebellar peduncle, which is the main pathway of the afferent fibers from the cerebrum to cerebellum, also displayed significantly increased structural connectivity (uncorrected p < 0.005 with cluster size > 10 voxels).
Conclusions: Motor-associated brain regions, mainly in the ipsilesional hemisphere, were involved in motor improvements in patients with chronic supratentorial ischemic stroke. These findings could be incorporated in the neurorehabilitation of chronic stroke patients for improved motor recovery.
Fig 1: Lesion maps. The color scale indicates the number of overlapping lesions across patients. Z represents the z-axis in the Montreal Neurological Institute space.
Fig 2: Results of paired t-test between pre- and post-treatment with chronic stroke patients. Red areas show FA values significantly increased in post-treatment as compared with pre-treatment (uncorrected p value < 0.005 and cluster size > 10 voxels).