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  • Home
  • Introduction
  • History

The Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (KARM) was formally founded at its first general meeting held on March 30, 1972. After the professional certification system was established in the field of rehabilitation medicine on July 22, 1982, the group of rehabilitation medicine specialists has grown from an initial base of just 22 in 1983 to a current base of 3,075 in 2021. KARM holds academic conferences in spring and autumn every year. The official journal of KARM, Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, is published in English bi-monthly.


1971 Foundation of KARM (December 1971)
1972 The inaugural meeting and seminar on rehabilitation medicine
(March 1972)

PM&R board certification

1982 Foundation of KARM (December 1971)
1983 1st examination for PM&R board certification

Academic conference

1973 1st academic conference (May 1973)
1986 Holding annual conferences in spring and autumn (Since April 1986)

Training for members

1980 Continuing education program for members (Since October 1980)

Monthly academic seminar

1972 1st academic seminar at Woosuk Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine
(September 1972)
2002 Discontinuation after 135th academic seminar (December 2012)

Publication of journal

1977 Launch of Journal of KARM (April 1977)
2010 Publication as an English language journal
(Volume 34, number 6, December 2010)
2011 Change the name to Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine
(Volume 35, number 3, June 2011)
2012 Inclusion in SCOPUS and PubMed Central
2013 Approval of ISPRM endorsement (September 2013)
2015 Inclusion in EGSCO (March 2015)
2017 Inclusion in E-SCI (September 2017)
2018 Joining DOAJ (November 2018)
2019 Re-approval of ISPRM endorsement (December 2019)

International academic activity

1974 Participation in the 2nd annual general meeting of the International
Rehabilitation Medicine Society (October 1974)
1976 Attending the 7th International Physical Therapy Symposium
(August 1976)
2007 Holding the 4th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation
Medicine World Congress in Seoul (June 2007)
2015 Organizing the International advisory board (March 2015)
2020 Holding the 7th Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine in Seoul
(July 2020)

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