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It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to the 46th Annual Meeting of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine(KARM) that will be held from October 26th-27th, 2018 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

For the past 45 years, the KARM has experienced drastic growth and has become a leading force in promoting rehabilitation medicine in Korea. In line with the recent growth, we are proud to welcome you to our 46th Annual Meeting, featuring distinguished speakers and experts from various different fields in rehabilitation medicine. Sessions have also been prepared for foreign participants, which will be presented in English.

We hope that this Annual Meeting will provide you with a good opportunity to experience the lively atmosphere of the KARM, and to develop mutual relationships with our Korean members. We also hope that this will lead to international collaboration. Your participation will be very encouraging our Korean members and also a measure of our success.

Seoul is one of the favorite cities to visit in South East Asia, and has many things to offer from traditional Korean cuisine to the latest technology, K-pop and leading fashions trends. The city of Seoul is an excellent venue for our professional meeting and provides an excellent traveling experience, for it encompasses both the old and new. With thousands of years of history rich with culture, it has well-preserved royal palaces, historical relics, and cultural treasures, among the modern architecture and state of the art buildings.

We are committed to making your stay in Seoul during the 46th Annual Meeting enjoyable.

For more information, please visit http://www.karm.or.kr/workshop/?abyear=201802.
Kang Hee Cho, MD,PhD, Chairman
Tae-Sik Yoon, MD,PhD, President
Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine