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2023 ISPRM Congress 안내
등록자 학회관리자 등록일 2022-09-22 조회수 1,763회

Dear KARM members,


The ISPRM 2023 Congress is getting closer and we are happy to send this invitation to you as President of your society and to all your members to become builders of the most updated knowledge in Rehabilitation.


We invite you to book your time from the  4th to 8th of June to visit Cartagena, one of the most wonderful cities of the Caribbean, inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage City.


1. You may send your best works for the already open call for proposals and abstract submission, you can find the

     registration form for both here.(https://isprm2023.org/)


2. We attach some publicity pieces of ISPRM 2023 for you to publish them on your social networks, website or

    in the media you prefer, in the next link you will find a short video that you will be able to use: click here,


    we appreciate if you can help us with the publication of this publicity pieces.



We acknowledge your support.



* 2023 ISPRM : 2023. 6.4 -6.8 (콜롬비아 카르타헤나)


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Power point image 2.jpg
Web page - Academic.jpg
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Intagram Image 2.jpg
첨부파일1 Web page image 1.jpg Web page image 1.jpg (다운 91회)
첨부파일2 Power point image 2.jpg Power point image 2.jpg (다운 95회)
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첨부파일4 web page or powerpoint image.jpg web page or powerpoint image.jpg (다운 66회)
첨부파일5 Intagram Image 2.jpg Intagram Image 2.jpg (다운 58회)
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