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2027 ISPRM Bidding & PRM Events 안내
등록자 학회관리자 등록일 2022-10-20 조회수 1,677회



We are pleased to announce the Call for Bids for the 21st International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress – ISPRM 2027.


ISPRM 2027 is to take place in the Asia & Oceania region.

In this first stage we are asking any party interested to submit a bid to send their official Letter of Intent by Friday, November 18th, 2022 to the ISPRM Office (isprmoffice@aimgroup.eu).


Visit our webpage below for the revised guidelines and more info.:



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The ISPRM Team

ISPRM BIDS 2027_square.jpg
첨부파일1 ISPRM BIDS 2027_banner.png (다운 99회)
첨부파일2 ISPRM BIDS 2027_square.jpg ISPRM BIDS 2027_square.jpg (다운 106회)
첨부파일3 ISPRM BIDS 2027_square.png (다운 58회)
첨부파일4 ISPRM BIDS 2027_banner.pdf ISPRM BIDS 2027_banner.pdf (다운 61회)
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