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ISPRM2023 - Abstract submission
등록자 학회관리자 등록일 2023-03-13 조회수 1,333회

ISPRM 2023 - Last Chance to Submit Your Abstract!


Dear Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine reader,


Did you already submit an abstract for ISPRM 2023 in Cartagena?
Here is you last and final chance to do it!


Note that :


All submissions must be received via online submission before 23:59 Colombia Time (COT, UTC -5) on March 15, 2023.

All authors will receive electronic notification indicating acceptance or rejection of the submitted abstract.


One author on each abstract must be identified as the Presenting Author during the online submission process and he/she must register for ISPRM 2023.




ISPRM Membership Services Team

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