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(ISPRM) Membership Renewal for 2023
등록자 학회관리자 등록일 2023-05-15 조회수 888회

To all National Society representatives,


This is a kind reminder to ask you to inform all the members of your National Society about the renewal of their membership on ISPRM website, using the provided code for 2023.


We would like to remind you that it is important to be in good standing to join the Congress that will be held in Cartagena from June 4 to 8, 2023.


Every member has to follow this procedure to renew for free their ISPRM membership:


1. Please sign in and access this page: https://isprm.org/membership-registration-platform/renew-


2. Check that your data is complete/ update and click on ''continue'', on the last page you will be asked to choose a

    membership category.

3. Choose ''member from National Society'' and insert the National Society code

    Please do not insert the Society Name because the field will autocomplete itself.

    Sometimes it can take a few seconds.

    If you copied the code, please also check there are no blank spaces.  


4. Click ''submit'' and your membership will be renewed!


5. Then, it will appear a confirmation message with the steps the members need to follow to register to the

    congress platform with the discount code.


We remain at your disposal for any needs.         


Kind regards,


Francesca Massironi

ISPRM Membership Services
Via G. Ripamonti, 129
20141 Milan, Italy
Direct +39 02 56601.293
Visit our website http://www.isprm.org


* 2023년 ISPRM 국가등록 우대 코드를 회원님 메일로 보내드렸습니다.


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