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ISPRM Asia-Oceania National Societies - Secretary position 추천 안내 (마감:5월 4일(토))
등록자 학회관리자 등록일 2024-05-03 조회수 892회

Dear Representants of the Asia-Oceania National Societies,


ISPRM is calling all National Societies in good standing for the Asia-Oceania region to present candidates for the position of Secretary to ISPRM Presidents Cabinet. If you have a suitable candidate, please send by next Saturday (May 4) the candidacy in reply to this email.



* POSITION - SECRETARY (2024-2026)



  - This is a two-year term with a maximum two additional terms.



  - This is an extremely important position that includes serving on both the President’s Cabinet and the Executive




  - The nominee must have a Medical Degree, be a PRM specialist with 10 years of experience, be in “good standing

     of  practice” in his/her own country and professional organizations; have demonstrated involvement with

     national and international organizations and be an active member of ISPRM.



  - The Secretary with the help and assistance of the Executive Director will be responsible for:

    (a) keeping up to date  the book of minutes of the Assembly of Delegates, Executive Committee and

         President’s Cabinet;

    (b) ensuring that annual membership fees, correspondence and general communications with all members

         are maintained regularly and periodically as established by ByLaws;

    (c) screening membership applications prior to presentation to the President’s Cabinet, Executive

         Committee for approval;

    (d) screening applications to hold a World Congress; and

    (e) any other administrative activity in the routine operation of the Society.



  - Applicants should submit a CV, his / her vision for ISPRM, list of the ISPRM Committees, task forces or other

     responsibilities they have served on, and the commitment that they have the time and office support to fulfill the




  - The applicant must be registered at the ISPRM website and the membership must be up to date.



  - The applicant should send at least two recommendation letters from individuals or Societies/Associations.



  - The applicant should send a recommendation or support letter from her/his National Society.




Thank you and kind regards,



Francesca Gimigliano
ISPRM President
Viale Enrico Forlanini, 23
20134 Milano (Italy)


* ISPRM – International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

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